Leave A Legacy
Make your legacy gift today and continue to change lives in the future!
LCFS gratefully accepts gifts made through the planned giving of individuals who were touched by our mission. Your generous legacy gift will ensure that LCFS can continue to provide all of God’s children with the opportunity for safe, healthy and meaningful lives. You will help offer a circle of support to the children and families LCFS serves for years to come.
Gifts can be made through:
Whether you designate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate, your legacy gift will support LCFS’ continued work.
Click here for a simple form to complete and file with your attorney.
Your retirement plans, life insurance policies, and annuities can all help LCFS continue to support children and families.
Donating certain non-cash assets like real estate can provide significant tax benefits while advancing our mission.
Shepherd Society members are supporters who have chosen to include LCFS in their estate plans.
To join LCFS’ Shepherd Society, complete our Letter of Intent and return it to Cheryl Wendt, LCFS Vice President and Chief Development Officer. (Even if you wish to remain anonymous, please let us know about your intentions so we can honor your wishes).
Attn: Cheryl Wendt
LCFS Development Department
One Oakbrook Terrace, Suite 501
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl at 708-907-1061 or Cheryl_wendt@lcfs.org.

“My husband knew that there are so many critical ministries that are supported by government funding and that there just isn’t enough to cover everything. That’s why gifts like ours are so necessary. His plan was to continue to make a difference for the causes that he was passionate about and so after making sure that he had taken care of us (his family), he made sure to leave a gift in his will to LCFS.”
Marian Fick
LCFS Foundation Board Member