
Candice’s Story

Nine-year-old Candice* was removed from her parents’ care because her parents could not take care of her needs. When she arrived at Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, she had significant physical and emotional symptoms. Candice had outbursts at home and school, and had difficulties talking and expressing herself.

An LCFS counselor worked with Candice’s foster parents on strategies they could use to improve Candice’s health and help her cope. Candice is now physically healthy and has improved functioning at home and school with limited outbursts. Her treatment is ongoing to make sure she maintains these positive changes, and to help her deal with the ups and downs that come from her past trauma and everyday life.

Through work with her counselor, Candice has developed strategies to cope better and express her emotions more calmly. Without this counseling support, Candice’s story may have turned out differently. She and her foster family know that with continued support they will see Candice become even happier and healthier.

*To protect privacy, the names and images of children and adults are representational only.